Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Mexico City: Mexico, moving on up in Latin America

After traveling around Colombia and meeting a local Colombian we decided it would be a good idea to travel to Central America. Hey, porque no?? 

My ticket to Mexico!! 
Really big cappuccino!!
Torre latinoamerica.
Me at the top of torte latinoamerica with Mexico df in the background.
Mexico City is pretty big.
Mexico City at night.
Colombia ganó!!!
Yay yellow shirts!!
My colombian amigos, ole!

Templo mayor aztec god Tlaloc.
Ruins in centro histórico templo mayor.
Centro histórico and José.
Valle de bravo....,
Where i went paragliding!!! I felt like a bird.

Teotihuacan pirámide del sol
Pirámide de la luna.
Terrance Howard getting in touch with his energy on top of pirámide del del. Actor from Iron Man.
Pirámide del quetzlatol, serpent god.
Teotihuacan. Avenue of the dead.
Mural of a feline figure. This is over 3000 years old.... Very skilled peoples.
Mural of a bird.
Beautiful designs carved into stone adorning temples.
Teotihuacan, an ancient city that was once home to the Aztecs over 3000 years ago. The city held up to 60,000 people. It is built on an angle and constructed like this so that it could be aligned with the stars.
Pirámide del sol.
Museo Frida Kahlo.
I loved her museum and learning about her fascinating life.
In Coyoacan.
Mexican graffiti.
La diversidad de Mexico.
Museo Diego Rivera. He built this to store his collection of pieces from pre colombian times.
On a trajinera en Xochimilco, channels in the middle of Mexico.
La trajinera took us to this magical place, where dolls which look they have been through WWIII are hung from trees to ward off the spirit of a girl who drowned in the channel.
I'm on a trajinera in a channel.
The dolls and tribute to their creator.

Mural by Diego River in the National Palace.
Inside the National Palace.
Jose really happy to be with Colombians when they won against Uruguay in the octavos. Vamos Colombia!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bogota, Villa de Leyva, Tota, Aquitania, Mongui, y Parque Nacional El Cocuy, Boyoca: COLOMBIA

After spending about two months in San Gil, Santander, I decided it was finally time to leave and continue my journeys. I spent a week in Bogota, getting to know the city a little better. Bogota is a big city, that can be ugly sometimes, but in that ugliness I found much beauty as well. I hoped to call Bogota my new home for now, but not until after I continued my travels. I went to Villa de Leyva next, where I stayed with Jaime, a nice man who spent some time in the U.S. during the 60´s, 70´s and 80´s. Let us just say he knew a thing or two about the changes that were a goin´on. There I also met Jose, a Bogotano, who I traveled with to Lago Tota. Tota is the largest lake in Colombia. The people who live in the towns of Tota and Aquitania are very proud of their lake. After Lago Tota we went to Mongui, a small, quiant, and beautiful town in Boyoca. After spending a few days hiking and enjoying the small town we went to Parque Nacional Cocuy. There we spent 5 days hiking, camping and enjoying La Naturaleza. My next plan is to go for a ten day retreat in which I will meditate and not speak to anyone, good luck to me. Then....MEXICO????
BOGOTA: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Colombian author died in April, 2014. 

Graffiti in La Candelaria. 

Military Museum.

Quebra Canto, famous salsa club in Bogota in La Candelaria. 


View from the top of el mirador. 




MONGUI, BOYACA: Capital of futbol production in CO.




Glacier Toti

with Jose

Glacier Toti and Pan de Azucar in the background.

Valle de Los Frailajones, special little plants that grow on Paramos in the Sierra Nevada.

Touching snow on Nevado Ritacuba.

Frailajon, it takes several years for this plant to grow 1 cm. So this plant is probably over a hundred years old. 

Statue in Guican, a little town outside of Parque Cocuy. 

Locals in Guican, looking at the procession for a Virgen. In this area of Colombia they drink alot of Poker, which they call Pola, which is cerveza. 

Uh-oh, getting busted by the Colombian Police, is actually all in good fun. Just Kidding!! These guys kindly indulged me, sorry mum!